Disaster Resilience for Business Hub

Australia’s ecosystem of resilience solutions for every business, all disasters

Welcome to the Resilient Australia Alliance

The Resilient Australia Alliance (RAA) is a certified social enterprise established to best position every Australian business to thrive before, during and after natural or unnatural disasters.

RAA’s Disaster Resilience for Business Hub is an activation gateway for solutions in building resilient:

  • Business Leaders
  • Business Connections
  • Business Processes

Led by an agile collective of local, national and international experts, the RAA ecosystem delivers outcomes whereby resilient businesses support resilient and thriving communities.

Re-imaging resilience to save jobs and livelihoods

Roman Leather Goods, Mogo NSW

Disasters can disrupt individuals, businesses and communities in many ways – disasters are not limited to bushfires or pandemics.

RAA is leading a holistic approach to national resilience by building an ecosystem of solutions to all types of disasters.

If we don’t work together to build a new culture of national resilience the consequences are clear:

  • More business closures and unemployment
  • More mental health issues and suicides
  • More domestic violence and child abuse
  • More vulnerable people below the poverty line

Investing in business resilience invests in community resilience too.

“The private sector is the perfect advocate for resilient thinking because of its direct relationship with consumers, customers and suppliers and can steer public demand towards risk-sensitive products and services.”

Margareta Wahlström
Former UN Special Representative of the Secretary General for Disaster Risk Reduction

Sharing the responsibility to build national resilience

RAA’s Disaster Resilience for Business Hub is a co-design model creating programs, tools and solutions relevant to every business type, size and industry.

Solutions that increase disaster:

  • Risk understanding and reduction
  • Preparedness and planning; and,
  • Resilience including social capital

Activating small steps to deliver big change, RAA’s everyday solutions will create sustainable businesses and communities that thrive.

All RAA outcomes will deliver to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – as well as other local, State/Territory, national and international blueprints.

Connect with us to discuss the role your organisation or industry sector can play in sharing the responsibility of national resilience.

Join an inclusive ecosystem to build national resilience

Disaster resilience is everyone’s business

RAA is built on a foundation of inclusive co-design and collaboration because working together we are stronger.

Become a:

Delivery Partner

Do you have a product, service or skill that will build resilience in Australian businesses big and small?

Register as a Delivery Partner.

Become a:

Foundation Member

Are you looking to position your organisation as an early adopter of national resilience and help lead the way?

Register as a Foundation Member.

Working together to build a resilient Australia for all.

A new era of compound natural and unnatural disasters requires a new collaborative approach between private and public sectors.

RAA Delivery Team

RAA has diverse and inclusive access to leading experts and subject matter thought leaders. We are committed to delivering best practice solutions in disaster risk, resilience and preparedness to strengthen Australian businesses to benefit communities.

Renae Hanvin

Stakeholder-led Resilience

James Ritchie

Principal Advisor
Risk, Resilience & Governance

Daniel Aldrich

Delivery Advisor
Community & Social Capital

David Parsons

Delivery Advisor
Crisis & Emergency Management

Melanie Peverill

Delivery Support
Multi-stakeholder Resilience

Aaron De Fina

Delivery Advisor
Regulatory, Risk & Governance

Desiree Matel-Anderson

Delivery Advisor
Collaboration & Innovation

Robert Kay

Delivery Advisor
Innovation & Education

RAA Advisory Committee

We are grateful for the expertise and contribution from our advisory committee as we activate our outcomes.

Daniel Aldrich

Professor/Director of the Resilience and Security Studies Program at Northeastern University.

John Blackburn

Chairman of the Institute for Integrated Economic Research, Australia

Kate Carnell

Australian Small Business & Family Enterprise Ombudsman

Anne Massey

Chair; Non-Exec Director; Global Exec; CSR Specialist; Top 100 Professional

David Parsons

Principal Partner at Crisis Management Australia